Added New Terrain: Forests

I went hobby shopping for making wargame terrain this week. I decided I'd work on forest terrain. I found two sets of terrain at HobbyTown. They have Woodland Scenics deciduous and pine trees, ready made to go. There are 33 pine trees and 23 deciduous trees in a pack. More than enough to make good forest terrain.. I next got foam board at the local Kroger (grocery store). Man I wish I would have thought of this earlier. Foam board is very easy to cut with an exacto knife. I can use foam board to make buildings, figure bases, and more. It seems better than balsa wood but I won't rule out balsa wood for other projects just yet. Perhaps you know of best uses for both? I cut out various shapes/patterns to make forest bases and tree lines from the foam board. I then painted them with a base of brown then a layer of green spray paint. I followed after while the paint was still wet with some grassy flock (I don't think I'll flock any future bases I make. for terrain. I find t...