The Texas State Guard: Ending on a Good Note

 I was a member of the the Texas State Guard from June 2020 until June 2023. It was a three year enlistment. The Texas State Guard is not an armed military force and is not federal. We serve the state of Texas under the governor of Texas (Greg Abbott). 

Our mission is to help Texans in need. We help the Texas Department of Emergency Management in helping evacuees and/or refugees from natural disasters and the border crisis. We help search and rescue operations and we work in disaster distribution of materials to our neighbors.

Since serving in the TXSG I have been on two deployments. My first was Hurricane Laura and the second was the 2021 Winter Storm. It was rewarding to help in both incidents. I'm leaving feeling good about my service and the people I got to serve with.

Why am I leaving? Why not reenlist? It was a hard decision but I can see events happening in my life in the near future that would probably force me to leave anyways. I hate to leave in the middle of a commitment so I wouldn't want to reenlist then quit. 

That said, if you are a Texan and you would like to serve your state I can recommend the TXSG as a great place to start. Perhaps you are young and debating going into the military. Some time in the TXSG can get you acclimated to military customs and procedures before making the jump. This can go alongside JROTC or ROTC training. 

Perhaps you are prior service and still want to serve but fear another overseas deployment. The TXSG only serves in Texas. 

Perhaps you have always wanted to be in the military but you have not been able to qualify for health reasons. The TXSG has less stringent standards. We get kinda of competitive with the Texas National Guard in carrying out customs and procedures in a military manner. We like to surpass them when we can. Make no mistake, the TXSG is not for misfits. We seek to perform at a high level. We just have more grace for those that have a willingness to serve but otherwise can't.

So, if you are interested in this service, please comment. I'll get you into contact with some good people.

I'm still going to maintain my friendships with those I made in the TXSG. I hope to still meet up with them. I had a nice farewell party for me the other day. Thank all of you for the good times.

I'm the guy in the blue with glasses.


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