FOB Elixheim: Aftermath Report

Wargamers Prayer: Dear Lord, You give us games that allow us to enjoy each other's company, share in fellowship, experience joy in play, learn from our past and memorialize those who came before us for the sacrifices they made. May you be with us in our games and learn about You as we play. Let's be ferocious opponents on the "battlefield" but even better friends in life. In Your Son Jesus name I pray. Amen.  

Well, the Mrs. came and said we need to use the dining room. Bummer. So now I have to call it quits. It was a fun game and I enjoyed playing it. I'll call it for the French as they gave more casualties then they took.

I don't think I'll try videoing again if I'm playing solitaire. It became too much to manage trying to make a good video and play the game. 

I moved the game to the garage and spent my Saturday playing it through. French devoured the British cavalry.  The British were down to a single AMP by the time the infantry/artillery got into the fight.

Here are changes in FOB that I may make after playing the scenario.

I may not allow a unit that suffers a UI loss to recover completely. I may apply the rule that once a unit suffers a UI loss it must maintain that 1 UI loss throughout the game. All additional UI my be rallied but that 1.

A must do change is going from centimeters to inches and cutting all rates in 1/2. This makes sense as the battlefield is 1/2 the size of the original using 6" x 6" squares in instead of 1' x 1'. I notice the centimeters didn't give a lot of range or a lot of movement which I believe made the game longer to play than what it normally should. I'll still keep the bases in centimeters, however. They are a perfect fit for the 6mm units.

Supports may be a change that I somehow may put into my FOB scenario. That's because the scenario originally comes from BP and that game has rules for supports. It allows for a different setup strategy with support units behind the attacking units. FOB you want all your units that can attack to the front as there are no supports. However, the movement change above may make doing this unnecessary. It would significantly change the game to do this. 


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