FOB Battle Report, Elixheim: Turn 1, Initiative 3 "The British 1st Move"

Wargamers Prayer: Dear Lord, You give us games that allow us to enjoy each other's company, share in fellowship, experience joy in play, learn from our past and memorialize those who came before us for the sacrifices they made. May you be with us in our games and learn about You as we play. Let's be ferocious opponents on the "battlefield" but even better friends in life. In Your Son Jesus name I pray. Amen.


Duke of Marlborough  vs.  Marquis D'Alegre

French are the Active Side
British are the Reactive Side
4 - 2 = 2 actions each side

French Actions

French Action 1: Artillery Fire (No guns on board to shoot)

French Action 2: Leadership (No need to move any leaders or manuver. No units to rally)

British Actions

British Action 1: Leadership (No units to rally. No need to move leaders. No maneuvers to make at this time)

British Action 2: Move! (Just what the British need to get the game going.)

The British look over the battlefield and Marlborough decides to move on the cavalry brigades first.

Dutch 5th Brigade: LD D12 vs. D6 = 10 vs 3 = 7 = 3 move segments

British 6th Brigade: LD D10 vs. D6 = 9 vs 1 = 8 = 3 move segments

British 7th Brigade: LD D8 vs D6 = 8 vs 3 = 5 = 2 move segments

So the cavalry advance upon the French closing the gap between them

Next, The British move their infantry Brigades with both some great and horrible rolls.

2nd Brigade LD D8 vs D6 = LD roll is a 1 so it doesn't matter what the D6 roll is. The brigade cannot move and stays in place.

1st Brigade LD D10 vs D6 = 10 vs 6 = 4 = 2 move segments

3rd Brigade LD D12+1 vs D6 = 7+1=8 - 2 = 6 = 3 move segments

4th Brigade LD D12 vs D6 = LD roll is a 1 also! Brigade cannot move.

So, here is what the infantry look like now.

The 2nd Brigade that couldn't move is on the road with the two other British brigades moving past it.

The Dutch 4th Brigade also could not move. And stay beside the two town sections.


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