BP Battle Report: Elixheim Turn 2 British "A Turn of Ridiculous Blunders and Awesome Cavalry Battles"

Always Start with a Prayer:

Wargamers Prayer: Dear Lord, You give us games that allow us to enjoy each other's company, share in fellowship, experience joy in play, learn from our past and memorialize those who came before us for the sacrifices they made. May you be with us in our games and learn about You as we play. Let's be ferocious opponents on the "battlefield" but even better friends in life. In Your Son Jesus name I pray. Amen.


This turn saw the complete foul up of the British infantry so ridiculous you just have to laugh. The cavalry however saw 3 engagements that cost the French an entire brigade!

Command Phase

7th Brigade Under General Wood

The General gives orders to each of his 2 remaining regiments.

1st Plymouth: Is disordered and near an enemy so it makes an initiative move falling back. 

1st Plymouth is the regiment in the middle.

After fall back

The Queen's Regiment: "Rally on me lads!" is the order. General Wood rides to put the boys in order and succeeds in recovering a casualty and removing shaken status.
Staff Rating = 8-1 (6" to nearby foe) =7-4 roll=Rally! Two casualties remain.

6th Brigade Under General Palmes

The Cavendish Regiment is still locked in melee. It is being supported by the Queen Dowager Regiment and the 2nd Plymouth Regiment. The 2nd Plymouth uses an initiative move to get closer by about an 1". General Palmes joins the Cavendish Regiment. (The photo is taken after combat but before all the results are applied. Ignore the stack of casualties on them and note their positions)

5th Brigade Under General Nassau La Lecke

Ginkel Regiment: "Forward left to face the French. Charge!" However, they are not fast enough and do not make contact.
Staff Rating 8 - roll 7 = 1 for 1 move.

Before move

after move (has to interpenetrate the regiment in front and costs it 1/2 its move)

Oranje-Friesland Regiment: The colonel sees the weary Gaetano regiment that had previous pushed back one of their own and takes an initiative move "Charge Gaetano!"

Before the move:

After move and contact with the Gaetano.

Wurttemburg Regt. Nassau sees this regiment needs to go back to get out of proximity to the foe. Next, go forward to support the Oranje. "Wurttemburg! Fall back a move then advance to support the Oranje right flank."
Staff Roll: 8 - 1 for 6" near foe = 7 - 3 roll = 4 for 3 moves! Success! The Oranje-Friesland now will not lack support in the attack.

Wurttemburg is at the bridge and near the enemy.

After falling back then advancing he is just behind the Oranje-Friesland.

Now moving on to the Infantry. General Marlborough notices the sunken road gives good defense behind the fields and hedges. The hills behind can also be where the artillery can shoot at the enemy trying to cross those fields.

1st Brigade Under General Rowe

Rowe completely botched his brigade last turn. Lets see if he can recover them.

"Brigade! Turn around and advance forward"
Staff Rating 8 - roll 8 = 0 for 1 move. Well, at least they return to the battlefield.

2nd Brigade Under General Ferguson

"All Infantry! Right face to form line in the road."
Staff Rating 8 - roll 5 = 3 for 3 moves (but only one is needed). All the regiments turn right and are now facing across the field awaiting the French. Ferguson joins the Bath Regiment.

"Artillery, Go up the hill behind us and unlimber"
Staff Rating 8 - 7 roll = 1 for 1 move.

Ferguson's brigade is almost ready.

3rd Brigade Under General Webb

Webb gives pretty much the same order as Ferguson. "All infantry! Right face to form line." 
Staff Rating 8 - 12 roll = BLUNDER! Blunder roll is a 6. 

The chaps are eager for a fight and want to get at the enemy. Instead or forming lines the infantry mistake the command to think he wants lines at the hedges and not in the road. The columns go off road and head south.. Webb joins the his Majesty's Regiment. 

"Artillery, Go up that hill behind you and deploy"
Staff Rating 8 - 6 roll for 2 moves. At least they are doing what they are told. 

4th Brigade Under General Van Halen

Van Halen laughs at those silly Englishmen and how they can't seem to follow orders. Then he gives his own. He orders his infantry "Right face to form a line." He also orders his artillery "Go up the hill before the church and deploy." 
Infantry order: Staff Rating 8 - 12 roll = BLUNDER! Blunder roll 6. His own infantry mistakes the artillery order for their own and march their columns up the hill and away from the field.
Artillery Order: Staff Rating 8 - 3 roll = 5 for 3 moves. The artillery makes up the hill and unlimbers their guns. (Note on artillery. Once the limbers unload the guns they cannot be limbered again an must be manhandled to move)
Van Halen moves to join the Van Goor Regiment.

Melee Phase

1st Melee: Dutch Oranje-Friesland Regt. vs the Gaetano French Regt.

The Oranje-Friesland is emboldened and makes a sweeping advance charge move into the Heider Regt. This may have been unnecessary as the Heiders are broken as a brigade and need to leave the field anyways.

2nd Melee: Oranje-Friesland Attacks the Heider Regt.

3rd Melee: Cavendish Attacks Grignan (2nd Round)

Cavendish is the regiment with the yellow flag locked in battle with Grignan


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