Finally! Elixheim Is Ready For Battle!

 I got back into miniature soldiers back in August, 2020. I soon found Black Powder rules and started to make the first historical scenario from the back of the book, the Battle of Elixheim (or the Brabant Lines if you prefer). It has taken me time to paint two armies and build a battlefield. Now I'm ready to go. 

Next, objective. To find an opponent to play against. If you are in the DFW area of Texas please respond in comments. Perhaps we can meet at Nerdhalla in Hurst, Texas Toy Soldier in Carrollton, or the Rat Palace in Red Oak.

I am also modifying the scenario for Piquet: Field of Battle as well.

Here are pics of my battlefield. Also, credits

Scenario idea: Black Powder, 2nd Edition rules

Hedges: Dollar Tree store scrubbing pads

Fields and Hills: carpet and vinyl floor tiles from Lowe's Home Improvement store

Roads and Rivers: felt cloth from Joann's Fabrics

Buildings and Bridges: Paperterrain at

Miniature Soldiers: Baccus 6mm

Flags: several sources, Obscure Battles Website, The War Office, Warfare Miniatures USA produces nice flags for sale. I bought my Dutch flags from them.

Paints and Painting/Art Supplies: Hobby Lobby, HobbyTown, Office Depot, Ace Hardware, and Nerdhalla in Hurst, TX. Paints are primarily Citadel and Tamika. Primer is primarily Ace Hardware.


Anglo/Dutch half of the field.

3 brigades of Anglo/Dutch cavalry faces off with the Franco/Bavarian cavalry. Marlborough watches from behind ready to dash in.

4 brigades of Franco/Bavarian cavalry ready to attack the unprepared enemy on the road. The Bavarian cuirassiers are a truly fearsome foe. Infantry awaits to join the battle in two turns (or in 7 move cards in Piquet FOB)


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