Wargamers Prayer: Dear Lord, You give us games that allow us to enjoy each other's company, share in fellowship, experience joy in play, learn from our past and memorialize those who came before us for the sacrifices they made. May you be with us in our games and learn about You as we play. Let's be ferocious opponents on the "battlefield" but even better friends in life. In Your Son Jesus name I pray. Amen. 1. The Story 1704 was a very successful year for the Grand Alliance (Britian, United Provences, Imperial Austria, and many German states). They had just defeated the French and Bavarians at Blenheim and Now Marlborough wants to go up the Moselle river to invade France itself. However, he needs the help of Imperial Austria to do this and they don't show up in time shutting the campaign down. Marlborough now retreats his army to Flanders where he plans to push the French out of the Low Countries in what is now Belgium. The French have built a line of defe...
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