
Showing posts from June, 2023

Decaling The Tanks

I got some mail deliveries this week that allowed me to move forward with my FOW game. My decals came for my American and German tanks so I got those finished up. I also got a 6' x 4' grass/desert mat to play on.  Here is the mat: The American tanks were my favorite to decal. They have far more character than the German tanks in that I can individually name them. Here they are: All American tanks here are M4 Shermans. Their fronts have a yellow circle with a 30 in it meaning the tank weighs 30 tons. That's important to know when crossing a pontoon bridge or some other weak structure. All of them are 4th Armored Division noted by a 4 "triangle", the 37th Battalion noted by a 37 "triangle" and the letter for the tank company and number for tank number on the same label. Each tank has an red, yellow, blue armored division symbol with a red lightning bolt in it, The tank name, serial number and stats label. I also put an American flag on the left, rear tail ...

New Book: Colours of War

 Not much new the hobby for me this week. I got some decals for my tanks finally being delivered and I'm waiting for a 6'x4' neoprene game mat to be delivered to (but that's not sent yet). What I'm really happy about is my Father's Day gift. It's a book for painting WWII figures called Colours of War. It has painiting instructions for all the tanks, infantry, and equipment of all the major armies that fought during WWII. I'm already learning how the decal's I'm getting will go as they are described in the book. This is very helpful.

FOW: Miniatures Painted

  I finished painting miniatures from my Hit the Beach starter army set. Here they are: German tanks: I have a tank platoon of three panzer IV tanks, an anti-tank platoon of two 7.5cm AT guns, and a V-2 rocket which is strictly for decoration. However, it makes a good objective for the allies to take. German Infantry: I have a panzergrenadier company. It consists of two panzergrenadier platoons with panzerschrecks and a panzergrenadier HQ. Now for the Americans: I have a single parachute rifle platoon. It includes a bazooka and a mortar team as well. I also made a mistake in making the models in that I didn't make a tank company HQ. Instead I made two 4 tank platoons.. I should have made a 2 tank HQ  and then two 3 tank platoons, oh well, excuse to buy more thanks :).