Decaling The Tanks

I got some mail deliveries this week that allowed me to move forward with my FOW game. My decals came for my American and German tanks so I got those finished up. I also got a 6' x 4' grass/desert mat to play on. Here is the mat: The American tanks were my favorite to decal. They have far more character than the German tanks in that I can individually name them. Here they are: All American tanks here are M4 Shermans. Their fronts have a yellow circle with a 30 in it meaning the tank weighs 30 tons. That's important to know when crossing a pontoon bridge or some other weak structure. All of them are 4th Armored Division noted by a 4 "triangle", the 37th Battalion noted by a 37 "triangle" and the letter for the tank company and number for tank number on the same label. Each tank has an red, yellow, blue armored division symbol with a red lightning bolt in it, The tank name, serial number and stats label. I also put an American flag on the left, rear tail ...