
Showing posts from February, 2021

Great Buildings from Paperterrain

I'm almost ready to fight with my armies. However, I need a battlefield to play on. For this I got a 6" x 4" green felt cloth and some other felt fabrics and colors to make roads, rivers, and farm fields. It is pretty basic but it gets me started. I next went to look for buildings to for play. There are many choices out there but manufactured buildings can be as pricy as building an army. That's when I discovered Paperterrain. This company makes buildings on card stock that can be cut out, assembled, and used on the battlefield. You can find then at .  My product came in the mail this past week. I am highly pleased. I went with a European hamlet and farmhouse. The buildings look very well on the table and I'm impressed with the detail in the artwork.  Assembly is very easy. I used a scissors and an Exacto knife to cut them out. Simple Elmer's glue connects the parts but I recommend spreading it out to avoid pumps in the paper. Fences can b...

On Being a Christian and a Historical Wargamer

Many years ago as a preteen I had a wargame set up on a table when my older brother, Chris, and his friend, Tim, came by. Tim looked at my game and was interested. He said to Chris "Hey, this looks cool. Lets play!" I was quite happy to hear him say this and was hoping I could get a game going. However, Chris just said to him. "No, I don't take pleasure in human suffering." I had a lot of guilt feelings over this comment. I don't take pleasure in human suffering either. That's not why I play. Furthermore, I'm a Christian. I'm not what you call a "cultural Christian" who is a person that follows certain Christian customs out of tradition. No, I believe in Jesus Christ as the son of God who came to earth to sacrifice His life to pay for my sins as many others do, too. I also believe that He is going to return someday (likely very soon by the looks of the world).  So, why the interest in wargaming? Why does it appeal so much to me? How can...